You can use transformation magic to change a target object into another object. You must make a successful Scrivening check to correctly change the target. Magical or inkforged objects get to make a Resist check to resist the change.
If you want to change the size of a target then you must first use Scale to modify the spell to work on a target of that size. Then you add +2 Spirit for each difference in size rank between what it is and what you want it to be. This can be done by itself, or as part of transforming the target into a different creature. This is also how changing the material quality of an object works. You can modify the workmanship or material strength of an object by paying the difference measured by the Intensity mod.
Note that transformed objects do not gain all the mechanical or magical traits of their new form unless you put Spirit into the Intensity modifier to include such aspects. The amount you spend determines the number of mechanisms and traits you give to the transformed target. This is provided that you are familiar enough with the new form to transform everything correctly.
This spell costs 3 Spirit to cast.
Basic Casting
You transform one dagger sized or smaller object in melee range into another object for 1 round.
Casting Cost = 3 Spirit
Hamala Bachaav
For 10 minutes you can transform your shield into a sword and back again when you desire. Switching between forms is a Small Action.
Uncommon Duration
Uncommon Size
Casting Cost = 5 Spirit
Turu Hou
You transform one object in melee range, up to the size of a suit of armor, into a comfortable chair for 1 hour. The object will instantly reshape and transform into a functional chair, suitable for a human sized creature to sit on.
Remarkable Duration
Remarkable Size
Casting Cost = 7 Spirit